We’re celebrating Construction Appreciation Week! This week recognizes the dedicated and diligent American Workers who labor tirelessly to improve infrastructure in our communities and throughout the US.
CHW’s Construction Administration (CA) and Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI) professionals guide, protect, and advocate for our clients throughout construction with a clear focus on end-user goals, contractual and plan compliance. Our team brings over 50 years of combined experience to every job site. Offering extensive backgrounds in land survey, geotechnical engineering, and inspections ranging from road and bridge to high-rise construction.
Thank you, Tony, Christie, Beth, Don, Gary, Thomas, and Wayne. We are celebrating you this week. Your passion reaches well beyond CHW projects and the communities you serve.
Hampton Spring Road Restoration
CHW’s Featured Construction Appreciation Week Project is Hampton Springs Road in Taylor County.
We’re honored to join Taylor County, Georgia Pacific, and Wharton-Smith Construction in their efforts to restore the Fenholloway River. GP Foley Cellulose Mill has added a new effluent water discharge pipeline that totals 15.3 miles in length and runs from the mill along multiple state and county roadways, as well as private lands. The installation of a 54” steel and ductile iron pipeline means the original 16’ wide asphalt roadway would need restoration.
CHW’s construction inspectors are on-site representing Taylor County to oversee the restoration of a 4600’ section of Hampton Springs Road and provide inspections to ensure the roadway is built to the proper county and project specifications.
Community + Infrastructure
CHW’s Construction Administration (CA) and Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI) professionals continue to provide services to a wide variety of clients from State and Local Agencies and Community Developments, throughout Florida.
During Construction Appreciation Week we’re celebrating the positive impact the construction industry has on infrastructure and the communities we serve. At CHW, our proactive and diligent construction services are vital to bringing any project to completion on time and on budget. Our Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI) team was recently contracted by Taylor County to oversee a portion of the Hampton Springs roadway restoration. Acting as the on-site inspector and liaison, CHW ensures the reconstructed roadway meets county and project specifications and handle any complications that may arise.
The Hampton Springs road restoration project will take approximately four to six weeks to complete and is part of the Fenholloway Water Quality Project, which will restore this “industrial” stream to fishable and swimmable standards.
We’re here and ready to serve you, too. Reach out to learn more about CHW’s Construction Administration and Construction Engineering & Inspection services.
Construction Appreciation Week
Established in 2018, Construction Appreciation Week celebrates the construction industry in September. Learn more about I Build America, their mission, and Construction Appreciation Week by visiting their website.