The Florida Department of Transportation has programmed funds to complete SW 62nd/52nd Boulevard transportation infrastructure connecting State Roads 24 and 26, Archer Road and Newberry Road. This key project connects existing arterial roads in our community and will link major employment centers such as North Florida Regional Medical Center, the Oaks Mall, Butler Enterprises, UF Health, and the VA Medical Center.
This facility connects to the recently constructed Clark Butler Boulevard, which was built during the expansion of Butler Plaza. The connection also provides access to the new Regional Transit System transfer station and Fire Station Number 9, both located in the western portion of Butler Enterprises.
CHW has proudly represented our Private-Sector and Public-Sector clients for several years during the prioritization and design of this facility. As we use our client advocacy skills within the communities we serve, we focus on enhancements that deliver safety, infrastructure capacity, and improve the quality of life for generations.
Check out the Gainesville Sun article on this topic here.