CHW led the visioning, planning, and design efforts for two important corridors in the City of Gainesville: SW 2nd Ave & SW 4th Ave. These corridors connect the University of Florida (UF) to Downtown Gainesville through the Innovation District. The main goal for this project was to create two complementary corridors that offer different experiences and possibilities for all users and allow for efficient connectivity from the University of Florida, through the Innovation District to Downtown Gainesville. The CHW team performed an extensive site analysis and documentation and coordinated with multiple stakeholders from both the City of Gainesville and the University of Florida in order to receive input. CHW’s transportation engineers reviewed traffic counts to ensure that existing traffic flows for through and local traffic would not be negatively impacted. With this project, CHW developed strategies for creating comfortable environmental conditions along the corridors which included elements like shade structures and water features to encourage year-round use, and also identified opportunities for Low Impact Development (LID)/sustainable design practices.
The final study developed a vision for these corridors as a unique and iconic place for the City of Gainesville and the University of Florida, while also providing a sustainable, long term strategy for implementation.
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