CHW extends a warm congratulations to the Queen of Peace Catholic Community on breaking ground for the new St. Joseph Family Life Center and its vision to “strengthen community through Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, Bible Studies, and Retreats”.
CHW was honored to be able to donate our expertise in surveying, civil engineering, landscape architecture, and construction services to support a project that aligns with CHW’s mission to build strong communities.
Thank you, Bishop Erik Pohlmeier of the Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine, for marking the start of this exciting project by blessing the future project site and construction team!
The St. Joseph Family Life Center, a 12,000 sq ft facility in Gainesville, will provide an aesthetically uplifting sacred space for Faith Formation students, Middle School and LifeTeen Ministry, family retreats, ongoing catechesis for adults, and hosting Family Promise participants who are transitioning from homelessness to stable housing.
“It’s a wonderful way to say to the community, we’re with you,” said Father Al Esposito, pastor at Queen of Peace Catholic Church. [wcjb.com]
CHW is eagerly anticipating the completion of the St. Joseph Family Life Center and is looking forward to the ribbon-cutting ceremony in December 2023. We are honored to have played a role in the development of this important facility and are confident that it will have a positive impact on the Queen of Peace Catholic Community and surrounding community members for years to come.